The Process

At Let’s Morganize It, the process is simple, straightforward, and focused on you and your needs.


First, you will fill out our contact form to schedule your initial phone consultation. During this call, I will get to know you, your pain points, and your goals. I will gather information about you and we will talk details about your potential project and services you are interested in. We will end the call by setting up your 30-minute in-home visit.

During your in-home visit, we will dive into the details of your project by walking through your space, discussing the problem areas, and brainstorming solutions. During this time I will also discuss product recommendations, take measurements, take photos, and gather any information needed to kickstart your project.

You love what you hear and want to book services! To move forward, I will take a deposit to be used towards your services. Your session(s) will be scheduled on my calendar.

During this time, I will begin researching products and organization systems for your project. I will also source and shop for the products needed for the space. The products will be ordered either by you or me prior to the session date.

It’s organizing day!  I will be your guide, mentor, and cheerleader throughout the process.


First, we work through your space together to declutter and sort through your items. Next, we work on organizing the space and implementing your new systems. Last, we put everything back in a neat + organized way that makes sense to you and your needs.


Whatever we plan on tackling during your session, we will pull out the materials needed, declutter, and sort through items. For some life organizing sessions, it may just be new strategies needed to be implemented. Next, we work on putting those strategies into place. Last, make sure you feel comfortable moving forward in your life with these solutions in place.

The end of our session together is dedicated to walking through your newly organized space(s). I will show you how to maintain your systems and teach you how to make the most of the systems that have been put in place.



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